Federal Employee Retirement Process & Timeline Series

Welcome to The Federal Employee Retirement Process & Timeline video series.

The Federal Employee Retirement Process & Timeline Series

Welcome to The Federal Employee Retirement Process & Timeline video series. Our Founder, Neal Thompson, partnered with a recently retired federal employee to break down the most pressing questions feds ask as they approach retirement. Join us as we navigate a federal employee’s full retirement timeline and provide you with practical steps to maximize your retirement benefits.

The Biggest Mistake Federal Employees Make Before Retiring

Federal employees are up against a highly complex retirement benefits system and it can be tricky to navigate. In this video, Neal Thompson asks a recently retired federal employee for his number one tip to feds nearing retirement. His answer? It’s what federal employees don’t do.

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Click here to download Shawn’s full retirement timeline.

What Should Federal Employees Expect in Retirement?

Every federal employee’s road to retirement looks different, but there are certain milestones everyone must go through. In this video, Neal Thompson sits down with a recently retired federal employee and walks through each key document and step that feds can expect as they begin the retirement process.

Click here to schedule a consultation with our team.

Click here to download a visual of Shawn’s full retirement timeline.

You’ve Set Your Retirement Date, Now What?

Selecting your retirement date is a monumental step in the retirement process, but what happens after that? In this video, Neal Thompson sits down with a recently retired federal employee to break down each step to complete after choosing your retirement date, and also a personal tip of what feds should do before submitting their retirement paperwork.

Click here to schedule a consultation with our team.

Click here to download a visual of Shawn’s full retirement timeline.

Click here to download the forms.

How Long Before Federal Employees Receive Their Annual Leave Check?

This is one of the most commonly asked questions federal employees ask about their retirement. In this video, Neal Thompson teams up with a recently retired federal employee to break down the timeline leading up to receiving your annual leave and how taxation is handled on it.

Click here to schedule a consultation with our team.

Click here to download a visual of Shawn’s full retirement timeline.

How Do Federal Employees Buy Back Their Military Time?

Buying back your military time is very important once you’ve moved into civilian service. In this video, Neal Thompson sits down with a recently retired federal employee and walks through how to buy back your military time, including the exact documents you’ll need to fill out. We also share one interest tip all feds should know before buying back their military time.

Click here to schedule a consultation with our team.

Click here to download a visual of Shawn’s full retirement timeline.

Click here to download the forms.

How Can Federal Employees Track Their Retirement Application?

It doesn’t have to be the waiting game once you submit your retirement application. In this video, Neal Thompson sits down with a recently retired federal employee to review the different options of how to track the status of your application and highlight the key milestones in the process.

Click here to schedule a consultation with our team.

Click here to download a visual of Shawn’s full retirement timeline.

How Do You Change Your Health Care Plan in Open Season?

Every year OPM announces the Open Season date, but what does that mean and how does that affect your health care plan? In this video, Neal Thompson teams up with a recently retired federal employee to explain how to change your health care plan during Open Season. We also share a timeline tip for feds who have a qualifying life event.

Click here to schedule a consultation with our team.

Click here to download a visual of Shawn’s full retirement timeline.

When Will Federal Employees Receive FERS Special Retirement Supplement?

The FERS Special Retirement Supplement is unique in how it’s paid and delivered to federal employees. In this video, Neal Thompson sits down with a recently retired federal employee to break down the timeline of receiving this payment and what the test feds need to be aware of.

Click here to schedule a consultation with our team.

Click here to download a visual of Shawn’s full retirement timeline.

What’s in The Federal Employee Retirement Booklet?

Once your case is finalized, you’ll receive a personalized retirement booklet from OPM. In this video, Neal Thompson teams up with a recently retired federal employee to lay out what content feds should expect in their booklet and why it’s important.

Click here to schedule a consultation with our team.

Click here to download a visual of Shawn’s full retirement timeline.

What You Need to Know About Using Your TSP in Retirement

If you’re a federal employee planning to use and access your TSP within the first 30 days of retirement, you might want to reassess your options. In this video, Neal Thompson sits down with a recently retired federal employee to review the timeline of communication with TSP and how it applies to future feds accessing their TSP in retirement.

Click here to schedule a consultation with our team.

Click here to download a visual of Shawn’s full retirement timeline.

How Federal Employees Can Maximize Their Sick Leave

Understanding how sick leave works is critical if you want to make the most of it. In this video, Neal Thompson partners with a recently retired federal employee to explain how a federal employee’s sick leave is applied and calculated, and also a personal tip on how to weigh your options once you know your retirement date.

Click here to schedule a consultation with our team.

Click here to download a visual of Shawn’s full retirement timeline.

Have Questions On Federal Employee Retirement Planning?

Retirement planning can feel daunting, but it doesn’t have to. We got you covered!

Click here to schedule a consultation with our team.



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